Sacred Living Institute
Diet & Health
Spiritual Edification
Our Story
Sacred Living Institute is an organization dedicated to offering classes, online courses, trainings, international retreats and events, expos and community living environments that nurture physical health, mental well-being and spiritual edification through a carefully selected forum of facilitators and community leaders.

Golden Gibson
co-founder Sacred Living Institute
At the age of 21, a powerful turning point happened for Golden in 1971 while attending Humboldt State University in Northern California as she suddenly felt a calling to step-up and surrender her life to a larger vision and role for serving humanity. A powerful presence entered and revealed that it was time to make a significant change in how she was living and navigating her life. This sudden shift compelled her to explore what it means to be in a state of true surrender and in a greater measure of service.
Golden shares, “It was a peak moment at that time in my life when I was outside in a field at night watching the stars and suddenly entered into a powerful ritual that sent my body into a whirl much like a Sufi dancer”; twirling and spinning under the auspicious reign of cosmic forces emanating from the nighttime sky.
“With my arms extended and energy surging through my fingertips, earnestly I asked “Source” to take over the reigns as it felt like I was not where I really wanted to be in my current place in life. It felt like something was missing or that there was a greater mission for my life and in order to realize that larger vision, I had to let go of my own self-direction and truly surrender to a higher power.”
That was the beginning of more pivotal moments along the journey on the path of sacred living. Golden shares, “Still, to this day, I feel as though I am in that same space of unfolding and learning how to fully surrender and trust “Source” to direct and guide my process into the correct possibilities and the most effective way to share and express love on the planet.”
This calling for leadership and greater service from Golden comes in perfect alignment with the dire needs of the planet at this time. Allowing “Source” to be in control of her life activities and destiny, she is brought into fulfilling the role of leadership as co-founder of Sacred Living Institute.
In fulfilling her role of leadership with this vision, she considers herself to be one of the many voices that are being called forth for healing the planet. As she shares, “In this broader vision, as it is for many at this time, the question is: “How are we going to survive on this planet?”
It is a real concern, which is why there is a powerful calling for leaders, healers, teachers and stewards of the planet to come forth, bond together and create the weave of many talents to cause a powerful shift to occur.
That important shift begins by making changes in our own lives, through becoming more spiritually based by applying the sacred lifestyle disciplines such as meditation, yoga, healthy eating through better nutrition for the body, locally grown and harvested plants and herbs, sustainable farming, etc. the intention behind Sacred Living Institute as Golden shares and demonstrates.
There are three important foundational qualities of sacred lifestyle that Golden would like to impart to the world through the Sacred Living Institute.
“There is a need for a more universal understanding of what love really means and through that understanding, there is hope to embody a greater quotient of “light” that naturally leads to a harmonious way of existing on the planet. Through embodying the true, authentic frequency and vibration of love, naturally, our efforts assist in providing the means to thrive and be in balance and in harmony with all of life.”
Sacred Living Institute is a portal designed for bringing positive change to the planet while empowering the many voices that are being called and prompted to share. “I’m excited to birth this vision as the leader and co-founder of an amazing instrument for creating more love, light and truth for our planet.”
Golden is a licensed real estate broker for Big Island Hawaii, a dual citizen with home in New Zealand as well as Hawaii where she works to facilitate and promote healthy lifestyle in both regions. Golden holds seat of secretary on the board for Gentle World, a non-profit entity founded in 1969 designed for promoting and educating vegan lifestyle and is featured as an institutional forum for healthy, harmless lifestyle in Hawaii and New Zealand.

KaShiva MahaDevi UmAnanda
co-founder Sacred Living Institute
KaShiva MahaDevi is a revolutionary artist who has lived as a yogi and mystic for most of her life. An uplifting and inspirational public speaker, teacher, author and devotee, KaShiva MahaDevi offers a profound channel for spiritual transformation.
Kashi Founded the Goddess Shop in 1994 and attended Himalayan Yoga Institute where she shared and taught the Hindu and Ayurvedic lifestyle teachings of yoga and meditation. She cultivated the craft of herbal medicine-making, formulation of flower essences and taught workshops on CHAKRAS, personal empowerment, tantra and menstruation; simultaneously, while studying the curriculum for doctor of natural health.
From Goddess Shop to a vegetarian cafe (founded 1998), to GAIA, School for Sacred Living in San Francisco Bay Area working with a panel of over 21 instructors as specialist in seven areas of lifestyle (founded 2004) to a Human Design teacher and forming the Human Design Planet online school (founded 2010) while promoting and event coordinating for an international panel of experts in Human Design. In 2013, she founded Soul Design University, SDU combining esoteric teachings with contemporary models for self-growth. Today, (2021) she is firmly aligned with ancient Hindu spiritual teachings as a devotee and channel through the co-founding of Sacred Living Institute.
KaShiva MahaDevi lives her life as a Brahmacharini (celibate nun), sharing her perspective of healing, maturation and spiritual practice in accordance to the principles of a unique and rare, sacred lifestyle. Prompted by an initiation in 1992 with Swami Rama and followed by a period of 30+ years of devotion and discipleship of The Mother, of the Sri Aurobindo movement, her lifelong focus has been the study of the Super-human gained through the disciplines of the ancient yoga teachings. Her Master Guru H.D.H. Bhagwan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam nurtures her process of unfolding while she continues as a student of Nithyananda University, a school for achieving enlightenment through ancient principles.
KaShiva owns and operates a vegan, gluten-free, organic food company, a boutique hotel management company, enjoys the position of creative business director for Sacred Living Institute and a venture capitalist company for blossoming start-ups for community enrichment. KaShiva provides her talents and creativity to the KAILASA San Jose temple ongoing while maintaining a daily practice of deity worship and disciplines for living enlightenment.
In-Studio and Virtual Private Lessons are the best way to improve your skills and mature your process of self-development in the shortest period of time. Work at your own pace or receive individual attention from our extraordinary selection of dedicated instructors and the forerunners of the vision for Sacred Living Institute.
Colleen Chen
Grounding Your Vision
A Hawaii Farmer
Mehrnoush Roudaki
The Art of Being Present
Jill Long
Unraveling Finances
Nancy Brown
Kattie Bloomin
Rachel Harrington
Earth Play