Rev. April Lee, BA
Expert In: Clairvoyant & Spiritual Medium
Favorite Literature:
Sound Bite
Ascended Master Channeling
Overview And Experience

I live to share what I came upon in the search of my mortally wounded brother guided me to, in searching for his personality after he passed into the Spirit planes. Frank was 14. I was 16. I did not think my dad would make it through his grief and what I diligently sought after had to be rooted in empirical nature, with evidence, if I was to convince my surgeon dad that what I found was real. Only then could he be transformed from his misery to being interested in life again. I am doing the only real work I have learned…all other activities of my life ultimately lead to comforting the grieving, working to heal the sick, and to teach and inspire the Truth seeker. So lucky am I to have been at the time and place to enjoy how Perfect the Plan of God is for each and every individual…Protecting that individual’s right to seek the path They Chose needs to be at the core of our governance!
I was training to be a psychiatrist and realized many afflictions that were not be healed were of a higher evolutionary level that the psychiatrist had access to. They were just evolved enough. Atlantis had amazing mental healing and the tools would astound you. Some of that is taught in the Transmission of the Flames class.
I made a professional quest of my work, even though my family curse and reviled me. I listened to the Spiritual mediumship inherent in my nature. If I had not been able to tune to My Spiritual Guides and see Spiritual planes, who knows if I would be remained on the razor-sharp path that is really only begun…there are so many more wonders ahead and more armor to put on to cope with what I see ahead.
I work to tell the stories that have brought me relief from fear, taking things too personally, missing the advantage of the lessons that life guides to us, because we put those lessons there. I have seen the transformation of SO MANY SITUATIONS not just personal, but globally by spending time getting involved in others through identifying with their pain and confusion; by caring about the evolution of this planet…that it does not become a cinder, like Maldek (the asteroids) or Mars. Gardening and Yoga, mediation and pondering the Beauty of People and Nature, loving animals & cooking, music, and dance…Of all of these, I wish to be a better listener and space holder…
I have been doing this since 1969 when my passion was in a place that offered a myriad of opportunities to explore and discern the many paths to Truth. I have spent a LOT of effort and time. I have tucked my tail between my legs and eaten crow…only to find the crow turn into my Indian Guide, Chief Shenandoah! How I love him and the fun we’ve had…How I appreciated how he has kept me from injury.
I want all to know this extended family. You will never be alone again!
Mission to Share with the World:
I would love for you to meet others who have seen the workings of the Angels in the real world/real time. That same shared the vision that all the Prophets (that Christ Jesus was initiated into in the Great Pyramid) &that the Saints lived; Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, Mother Shipton, glimpsed; the Great Kahuna and Indigenous priest and shamans enacted and these Great ones, who came back over and over, like Apollonius, Paracelsus, DaVinci, Shakespeare, the individuals Ancient Mythology told of, those who gave their lives to save others; President Abraham Lincoln, Harvey Milk, President John Francis Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr., Mahatma Gandhi ; and the pure, undying love in the bosom of a mother who loves when she has nothing for herself, like the women of Africa and Salem who never scorned…only loved, or saw visions.
The tools to protect yourself are clear and ancient. They have been taught by Great Minds who have always guided humankind. You will hear the voice of one of These Great Teachers in this class. You will recognize the quality of consciousness…Don’t miss this key to furthering your soul’s growth by a Being who has conquered life and death with the use of this Wisdom.
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I am doing the only real work I have learned…all other activities of my life ultimately lead to comforting the grieving, working to heal the sick, and to teach and inspire the Truth seeker. So lucky am I to have been at the time and place to enjoy how Perfect the Plan of God is for each and every individual…Protecting that individual’s right to seek the path They Chose needs to be at the core of our governance!