Lydia ZQ
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Lydia ZQ

Healer and Light Worker
Overview And Experience

Sacred lifestyle for me is understanding that we are multidimensional beings living experiencing separation in this world, understanding and respecting all the composition of our bodies, how does it works in connection with everything and accept its nature and divinity as a part of the creation. Honoring our self by enhancing all of our bodies by our daily living activities and sharing by being one with the community we are part of.
the keys for Nurturing Self-Awareness
Topics & Specialties
In the same way that a thriving garden grows, so does it happen with our inner and outer being. All parts of who we are require the tender, careful nurturing attention in all stages of our life journey. Ancient astrology combined with the science of Yoga, refined over thousands of years and imparted by enlightened beings, provides the insight for nurturing this process in a powerful, eloquent way.

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