Wolfgang Thom
Expert In:
Deep Nidra Yoga and Conscious Relaxation
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Deep Nidra
Overview And Experience

Shiva’s life long healing and learning journey lead’s to a deep knowing that we are one. Life is love and homeostasis, so why are humans so fragmented and unbalanced?
What can we do to create balance and inner peace for our systems? Even if you live in perfect understanding of your oneness with all, you might still be carrying stress and accumulated tension/trauma in your mind/body.
In a good Deep Nidra session where you simply rest and follow the voice of your instructor, your system will reset and leave you with a sense of profound rejuvenation. Deep Nidra combines various of Shiva’s teaching modalities, notably Yoga Nidra and Ericksonian Hypnotherapy.
Mission to Share with the World:
An active yogi since the early eighties, he met his first Advaita Vedanta teacher, Sri Mooji in India in 2010. Mooji’s clear and loving pointings opened the doors to Advaita (non-duality) and Vicara (self-inquiry). Teachings that confirm that all we need to do, is to relax into the peace and the silence which underlies everything alive.
the keys for Nurturing Relaxation
Topics & Specialties
ShivaRam is a certified 500 hr ISHTA yoga teacher. (ISHTA stands for Integrated Science of Hatha, Tantra and Aryuveda and is a breath-based Yoga system, that incorporates alignment, meditation and healing bodywork).

ShivaRam teaches classes and workshops in English, French and German internationally.